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Behavioural Insights to Reduce Health Inequality


What We Do

We help you change behaviours to improve health for all.


We use the latest digital technology and behavioural science to capture hidden voices so you can put the person at the centre of public health and health care planning, delivery and communications.

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Our most popular package uses our unique "Look, Listen, Learn©️" process to tackle your challenge. Through a mix of qualitative research, it connects with your target audience and the wider systems and stakeholders. Using behavioural science, the Deep Dive guarantees a deep understanding which will transform your change programme and show you how to reach your goals.

Behavioural Insight Deep Dive 

Capture the unheard voice with storytelling, underpinned by Behavioural Science. This method extends traditional ethnographic techniques to delve into the broader factors influencing behaviour, capturing the context, environment and the wider determinants of health.


Did it work? That's the question we work with you to uncover. We offer an independent voice to help you work out what’s working and what’s not. We offer a unique approach that captures hidden voices. Because if you can’t measure what you are doing, how can you be sure you are not widening health inequalities? 

Public Health Evaluation

We our proud to run the popular Behaviour Change Marketing Bootcamp training. Designed to help pros get skilled up in-house, build capacity and grow confidence to make lasting change. (Essentially the best bits of behavioural science, design thinking and social marketing.) And yes, it is fun!

Behaviour Change Marketing Bootcamp


Pros trained in Behaviour Change 


Years of health and public Health Delivery


Listeners to Podcast


"A world where empathy drives decisions. Where every voice is heard. Where change brings and end to health inequality.

Infused with behavioural science 

People’s voices are powerful.  We ‘capture’ voices so you can see and hear your hard-to-reach audiences. The barriers to engaging with traditional research are high. 

Using a digital approach means we engage with carers, mums at home, people without travel, people working double shifts, people that don’t like talking in groups, people that have something to say but have no one listening.

Our specialist team uses behavioural science frameworks and tools to run your qualitative market research. The tools include: 


  • COM-B (Capability, Opportunity, Motivation, Behaviour) 

  • E.A.S.T. (Easy, Attractive, Social, Timely)

  • Social Marketing (not social media)

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Over 400 healthcare, public sector professionals have been through our Bootcamp Training and we run behavioural insights for the NHS, Local Government and Healthcare Providers and Communication Agencies across England, Wales & Scotland. We only work with organisations committed to making a difference and improving health.

Who We Work With 

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Free Resources 

Empathy Mapping:  For changemakers with no time for market research. Empathy is the beating heart of Hidden Voices Heard and it's the Beating Heart of you! 


BrainFuel Weekly Newsletter

Let's Talk

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